Tuesday 12 June 2012

Stonehenge and 20,000 year old Bath water

It was now time for another all day bus tour, this included visits to Bath and Lacock and a private inner circle sunset viewing of Stonehenge.  Sadly due to the fact that the sun does not set until late at this time of year, we would not be getting any pics of the sun on the horizon.

The first stop on the tour was the town of Bath.  Bath has existed since Celtic times when the local inhabitants discovered that the warm waters bubbling out of the ground had curing abilities.  When the Romans invaded the British Isles they already knew about the health benefits of bathing and mineral springs.  So when they came across Bath they decided to build a large bathing complex.

Bath is the only place in the British Isles where hot mineral springs exist and the water coming out of the springs is 20,000 years old.  The tour included a self guided tour of the ancient Roman bathing complex.  At the end of the complex there is a tap where you can sample the old bath water.  We both did and it is warm and has a metallic taste.

The next stop was the quaint little village of Lacock.  Lacock has been used in numerous period movies and TV shows because of its trapped in time appearance.  We were given time to walk though the village before sitting down at the local pub for a dinner.

After dinner we jumped back on the bus and headed to the mystical Stonehenge.  Our guide told us to keep a look out for a rare predator that lurks the Salisbury Plains and is known to cross the road at a moments notice.

It is quite surreal as you drive through the Salisbury Plains and as you crest a small hill out of nowhere on a flat plain appears the stones.

Our tour consisted of entering the circle of stones, which during normal viewing hours the public are only allowed to view the stones from a cordoned off area around the stones. The group was split into two the first group (which included us) entered the viewing circle and the second group walked around the cordoned off area, we then swapped over. Touching of the stones is not allowed however if you are sneaky and the security guard is not in sight you can touch them, which Chris did!

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