Saturday 23 June 2012

Geneva, Mont Blanc & Glaciers

After a 6 hour train ride and meeting some aussies from Melbourne, we arrived at our destination Geneva, Switzerland.  We checked in at the hotel and decided to head down to Lake Geneva to check out the Jet d'Eau (the water fountain).  The Jet d'Eau is one of the largest fountains in the world and is visible from the air at 33,000ft.

The next day we had an early start as we were to take a tour to Chamonix and Mont Blanc.
We crossed the boarder into France and made our way to Chamonix, where our first stop was to take two gondola rides, the first to 2317 metres then the second to Auguille Du Midi at 3842 metres to get a close up view of Mont Blanc, Europe's tallest mountain. Jess having a fear of heights closed her eyes the whole way up and was happy to have her feet on solid ground once we made it to the top.  This place is covered in snow all year round and the views speak for themselves.  Jess also got to sample snow for the first time!

We jumped back into the gondolas for the plunge back to Chamonix.  Then it was lunch before we boarded a mountain train to visit a glacier.

The mountain train climbed up to Montenvers at 1913 metres again affording spectacular views of the surrounding area. 

Here we could see the glacier.  We were told that in winter it is possible to ski from Aiguille Du Midi to Montenvers and then down to Chamonix. 

From the train station we then caught yet another gondola down to the glacier where after descending another 450 steps we entered an ice cave.  Every few years both the steps and the ice cave have to be rebuilt due to the glacier's retreat.  As we descended the stairs we passed markers indicating the height of the glacier over the past 30 years.

Inside the ice cave were some pictures showing the glacier 50 years ago, some ice sculptures and a St Bernard with which you could have your photo taken with.

Exiting the ice cave, climbing back up the stairs and descending on the mountain train back to Chamonix brought the tour to an end.

The next day we set out on foot to just wander Geneva before our next train in the afternoon.  The beautiful weather affording views of the snow capped mountains in the distance.

We crossed Lake Geneva and got a close up view of the Jet d'Eau and took some funny photos.  Those not concerned with getting drenched or carrying a towel and dry clothes can walk out under the spray of the Jet and get wet.

We stopped by the Floral Clock which was keeping perfect swiss time.

Whilst walking through the Old Town Jess did a spot of shopping before we jumped on a tram and headed over to the Palais des Nations home of the United Nations (the UN).  We did not have time to enter the UN and do a tour so instead took some photos outside. 

In the square outside the UN there is a sculpture of a chair with only 3 legs commissioned by Handicap International to urge all countries to sign the Mine Ban Treaty.

Having finished with the UN we went back into town and bought some chocolates for home.  Swiss time was now running out so we grabbed our bags from our hotel and boarded our next train bound for Paris.  Fortunately on the way we passed a game of beach volleyball and just had to stop and watch!

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